Messenger APK

Free Download Messenger V. APK
Free Download Messenger V. APK -  Apa kabar kawan pada kesempatan kali ini saya akan berbagi sebuah informasi mengenai Facebook Messenger dengan version terbaru dan juga yang pasti tampilannya berbeda dan pada version ini lebih canggih lagi dari pada sebelumnya dan seperti apa tampilannya, teman-teman bisa langsung download Facebook messenger ini dan dengan cara download terlebih dahulu dan install di androi kalian masing-masing.jangan lupa di coba ya kawan.

Decription : immediately reach the humans on your existence—without spending a dime. Messenger is just like texting, but you do not have to pay for every message (it really works together with your statistics plan).not just for fb buddies: Message humans in your smartphone e book and simply input a cellphone number to add a new chats: Create groups for the people you message most. name them, set group snap shots and maintain them all in one area.photographs and films: Shoot movies and snap selfies or other snap shots proper from the app and ship them with one tap.Chat heads: preserve the communique going whilst you operate different apps.loose calls: talk so long as you want, even with human beings in different countries. (Calls are free over wireless. in any other case, standard statistics costs follow.)

Even More Ways To Message :
  • Bring your conversations to life with stickers. 
  • Preview your gallery photos and videos without leaving the conversation--then choose the perfect ones to send.
  • Record voice messages when you have more to say.

Features :
  • Know when people have seen your messages.
  • Forward messages or photos to people who weren't in the conversation.
  • Search for people and groups to quickly get back to them.
  • Turn on location to let people know when you're nearby.
  • See who's available on Messenger and who's active on Facebook. 
  • Create shortcuts to get to any conversation right from your home screen.
  • Turn off notifications when you're working, sleeping or just need a break.
  • Stay logged in so you never miss a message

Screenshots :
Free Download Messenger V. APK Free Download Messenger V. APK Free Download Messenger V. APK

What's New
  • Now you can use multiple Messenger accounts on a single device.

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